Zena Cosmetics Chemical Peeling

Acid peeling is a professional procedure for cleaning and rejuvenating the skin of the face by removing dead epidermal cells. It promotes cell regeneration as well as stimulates the production of collagen, which evens out the tone and texture of the skin and helps to improve its elasticity.

Thanks to peeling, you can get rid of many aesthetic defects of the skin. For example, the procedure perfectly fights post-acne, inflammation, and mimics wrinkles and scars: the most common customer requests for beauty specialists.

When should you use acid peels?

There is no specific age threshold when it’s advisable to start using peelings; instead, customers should rely on the instructions of a specialist, because the process of skin regeneration is different for everyone. Peelings are used not only to eliminate age-related changes but also to prevent their appearance.

Acid peels should be used to remedy:

  • skin problems (pigmentation, acne, etc.);
  • deterioration of the  skin smoothness and the presence of wrinkles;
  • the first age-related changes and their prevention;
  • dull complexion.

This procedure can be performed not only for the face, but also for the body, most often for the neck, hands, and feet. Acid peels perfectly smooth the skin, even out the color, and fight dryness and age-related changes.

How acid peeling works

Peeling interacts with skin cells, provoking a burn, which stimulates the skin regeneration process. The stronger the burn, the faster the recovery. Acid peelings can contain different acids in varying proportions, thanks to which it is possible to regulate how deeply the substance penetrates different layers of the skin and the strength of interaction with them.

There are three layers of skin:

  • The epidermis is the upper thin layer of the skin, which is responsible for protection from environmental influences. It is this layer that receives the main impact, so it often undergoes changes (redness, scars, etc.).
  • Dermis – contains collagen and elastin fibers responsible for skin elasticity. Blood vessels and nerve endings are also located in this layer.
  • Hypodermis – contains lipocytes that protect the body from temperature effects.

Acid peels are able to affect all three layers at the same time or separately in a specific layer.

Depending on the effect on the skin and effective components, peelings are divided into superficial, middle, and deep.

How to use and combine acids

Acid peels should not be performed at home because they have a high concentration of active substances. If the procedure is performed incorrectly, you can get severe burns or seriously damage the skin. Therefore, we advise you to contact your dermatologist or cosmetologist for diagnosis and execution of the procedure.

Based on the problem and skin type a professional will determine what kind of peeling should be chosen, how to combine acids, and how long it is necessary to keep the mixture on the face.

For dry skin, as a rule, lactic, glycolic and some ANA acids are used, because this type of skin requires a more delicate interaction. Mandelic, salicylic and azelaic acids are often used for oily skin. There are also acids that can be used for all skin types.

Often only a combination of acids can tackle the problem and solve it efficiently.

As a rule, specialists are approached with not one, but with a number of problems at the same time, which require applying a complex treatment to solve them. Сombining acids are essential to fighting several problems at the same time. This allows you to deal with problems much more effectively and get the desired result from the procedures faster.

The combination of acids also shows excellent results in the treatment of acne of varying degrees of severity. For example, you can use AZELAIC ACID PEELING from ZENA, which contains azelaic acid, which is a constant assistant of specialists in the treatment of acne and hyperpigmentation.

Glycolic peeling is also effective for hyperpigmentation. It has the additional property of thorough cleansing of the skin and softening of sebaceous plugs.

Salicylic acid is known for actively fighting inflammatory processes. For example, ZENA PEELING BHA20 – SALICYLIC 20% has repeatedly demonstrated the best results.

Lactic acid is used for rejuvenation, the freshness of the skin, and acne. For example, the ZENA LACTIC 30 PEEL peel contains the ideal concentration of the active substance to treat these problems.

Fruit acids are best used when age-related changes just begin to manifest, because peels with such components increase the elasticity of the skin, and also make it elastic and smooth.

Mandelic acid, such as ZENA MANDELIC ACID 15%, is used to reduce the number and visibility of scars, and this acid also has an antibacterial effect.

ZENA specialists have developed a series of peels that can easily cope with any problem. Usually, you can see the result after the first use! But such outstanding results are possible only if peeling complexes are correctly applied and combined with each other. You can learn everything about the correct work with peelings at ZENA courses, where professional doctors with many years of experience share their knowledge and practical skills.

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